Tag Archives: Missals

Big Sign – Ecumenical Missal – Abomination of Desolation Coming

This is a major sign, which is reported at Liturgy NZ, Fr. Z and Damian Thompson.

UPDATE: While this was posted on April 1, and everyone is expecting jokes, this type of activity will not be a joke when it really happens. Posting such things on April 1 is a form of hiding things out in the open. Consider how the High Priest rejected Jesus but correctly prophesied: “Now Caiphas was he who had given the counsel to the Jews: That it was expedient that one man should die for the people” (John 18:14). Even though he had no intent of indicating the truth, God spoke through the non-believer. This Biblical precedent can be applied today also, where what is considered a joke will really occur.

Since Protestants erroneously believe that the Eucharist is merely a symbol rather than the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ (the “Real Presence”), using an “ecumenical missal” agreeable to their heresy can invalidate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, thus the abomination of desolation is put into place, which is the cessation of the daily Sacrifice as described in the Book of Daniel. While this effort will start with Protestants, it will ultimately be expanded to include all man-made world pagan religions, thus ushering in the One World Religion and ‘church’. Expect this by Christmas. “Next Christmas [2014], the celebration of My Birth will be replaced by a great ceremony, which will applaud the work of those imposters, who parade in My Church, wearing the garments which serve only to fool the faithful. On that day, they will applaud the god of social justice, human rights and the money they will say that they have raised for the world’s hungry.

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Signs to Watch for – Many New Books, Missals and Letters

Excerpts from Maria Divine Mercy

Mother of Salvation: The Truth will be twisted and the Word of God will be presented back to front

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 @ 13:44

Those who are to be appointed shortly, in the highest echelons of my Son’s Church on Earth, will not be from God. They will not serve my Son and will change many doctrines and laws within the Church. So quickly will they bring about such changes, with many new books, missals and letters being introduced, that you will know then that such works would have taken years to prepare. It would not be possible to introduce such radical changes in so many formats, were this not the case. This will be one of the first signs where you can be sure that this soon-to-be-introduced, twisted doctrine will have been created with great care.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation