Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Myth of Catholic “Incline”

Excerpts from Harvesting the Fruit

Diabolical disorientation is no laughing matter; in fact, it’s nothing short of a tragedy.

That said, it really is borderline amusing to see “conservative” Catholic commentators trying to convince themselves that the Church isn’t in crisis.

Read some other facts of the decline in the Church within typically Catholic Latin and South America.


Video: Elton John is a Fan of Francis in Support of Sodomy

At 8:46 – “The new Pope has done wonderful. I mean he’s excited me so much by his humanity and taking everything down to the humility of faith no matter what it is, what faith you have, what religion you have, who you believe in, what you believe in he striped it done to the bare bones and said it’s all basically about love and taking everybody in inclusiveness umm

Our Lady of Miracles in the month of June

Our Lady of Miracles in the month of June

Since the Middle-Ages, the village of Avignonet-Lauragais (France) has had a Marian shrine with a special feast day in June.

The devotion was made official by a bull of Pope Paul III on January 4, 1537. The bull states that a plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who pray in the church of Avignonet on the first Tuesday of June. This date recognized a long local tradition that remembered 11 inquisitors—headed by two friars, a Franciscan and a Dominican—who were massacred inside the church on the night of May 28, 1242, by the Cathars.

According to the same tradition, the church, profaned by the blood of the inquisitors, was closed down for 40 years… When it was reopened, the bells rang of their own accord a whole day and night, and a statue of the Virgin Mary was found inexplicably on the porch of the church.

In memory of this miracle, the inhabitants chose the Virgin Mary as their patroness and instituted the Confraternity of Our Lady of Miracles. (…) The annual pilgrimage spans from the first Tuesday in June to the end of that month and during that period the sacrament of Reconciliation is available daily.

Father Guy Chautard
In the brochure of Avignonet and the Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles

Astronomical Sign at End of October 2014 Synod

According to astronomers, the comet Siding Spring will make an extremely close approach to Mars on 19 October 2014 (see Wikipedia and NASA).

October 19 is the final date of the Synod being held this year of 2014, the Synod which will ultimately lead to a great schism as afterwards (exact timing TBD) the teachings of the Church will be changed with the approval of Francis. You can already see the redefinition of natural law already described in the official Synod document.

Expect to see an astronomical sign on the Synod’s final date of October 19. Mars and/or its small moons (Phobos and Deimos) will not escape being affected by comet Siding Spring, which will have other effects in the solar system at a later time.

Video: Pope Emeritus versus Pope

Watch this short three part video series on Pope Emeritus versus Pope. Who is the real pope?


A Pope in Moscow and A Pope in Rome?

Read an interesting article regarding the popes, particularly the unprecedented “Pope Emeritus”, from Garabandal News. Read it all there.

Collapse of Catholicism in Latin America

Read the details at Rorate Caeli.

Francis Bad Examples

Excerpts from Restore DC Catholicsm

A few weeks ago I wrote about the debacle that Pope Francis allowed, if not orchestrated, at the Vatican Gardens on Pentecost Sunday.  Well it seems that the fallout was rather immediate.  In a Catholic Church in Orlando, FL, also on Pentecost Sunday, two Muslim men were allowed to give their “reflections” – in place of the homily!  See this Zenit article.

… Moreover, my blogging colleagues Eponymous Flower and Rorate Caeli have other posts that vocalize what many of us are sensing: that traditional reverence in the Catholic Church is regarded with suspicion if not outright contempt. …

The Mother of God with Three Hands

The Mother of God with Three Hands

The origin of this icon of the Mother of God with Three Hands goes back to the 8th century, during the reign of Emperor Leo III the Isaurian, who ordered the destruction of all pictorial representations of God and the saints. Saint John Damascene, the great defender of the cult of icons, strongly opposed that decree, and as a result was condemned to have his right hand cut off.

After the sentence was executed, the holy man implored the Virgin Mary in prayer, displaying absolute trust in her. He obtained a miracle and his right hand was returned to him. John Damascene then had a silver hand made and attached to the miraculous icon. That is where the name of “Holy Mary with Three Hands” came from.

The Refuge of My Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem

June 28, 2014
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

“Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, I invite you to see how much the Father cares for you. He is nourishing you spiritually with these Messages, just as He nourished His children physically in the desert with manna.”

“The Father offers you through Me, His Handmaid, the Refuge of My Heart – this Refuge of Holy Love. This is the portal of peace. This is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. Dear children, be renewed as you enter herein. Breathe in the grace that I, your Mother, long to give you. Do not let others obstruct your way to My Heart. The Flame of My Heart is your beacon of Truth which calls you to a renewed conscience and hope in a holy future.”

“I cannot choose for you, but through these Messages, I can guide your footsteps showing you always the Light of Truth. Holy Love will help you to decide good over evil. Evil bears its own consequences in hearts, in the world and in eternity.”*

“I come to you to lead you in holiness, so that we can share eternity together. My Motherly embrace awaits you.”

“Dear children, I come tonight to gather you into My Immaculate Heart, Refuge of Holy Love. This Holy Refuge is the Remedy for the ills of the world today. The present-day evil does not want you to know this. Solutions are sought in modern technology, peace talks which are not grounded on peace with God first, and man’s attempts at climate control – climates which are only governed by the Will of God.”

“Tonight, I ask you to treasure only that which is eternal and to pursue your own salvation through Holy Love. Ask me tonight for the grace to recognize evil and to choose good.

“I will bless you in this effort.”

* Please read (pray) the Second Meditation of the United Hearts Chaplet – in Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

“Immaculate Heart of Mary, You are the purest vessel of grace, the definition of holiness, and a sign of the apocalypse. Mary, Your Heart is a Refuge of Holy Love – a counter sign in an evil age.”

“Dear Heart of Mary, it has been ordained that the conversion and peace of the world be entrusted to you. Only through Holy Love can the battle be won. As you, Heart of Mary, have been pierced by many swords, impale our hearts with the flaming arrow of Holy Love.”

“Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.”

Holy Love