Category Archives: Mesmerized

Information from those who accept anti-pope Francis I as a valid pope, and are general mesmerized / enamoured with him

Authentic Interpreters Of Francis

Excerpts from Popin’ Ain’t Easy

It’s hard to escape the insane mass belief that the authoritative interpretation of Pope Francis is to be found everywhere except within the parameters of Catholic thought. …

It is amazing to me how secularism, atheism, Protestantism, any -ism imaginable can be used for a Pope Francis hermeneutic, except Catholicism.

[Note: that’s because such is exactly the plan. Watch how Catholicism is gutted after the October Synod]


The Pope versus the Vatican

Damian Thompson doesn’t get it. Francis was not elected to clean up the Vatican. Rather he will clean out the Vatican from all aspects of the true Catholic faith.

Francis will Favor Cardinal Müller over Kasper

At Crisis Magazine there is some very wishful thinking:

A recent post from Sandro Magister introduces his report on a book-length interview with Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller by asking a question. This is how he poses it: “The prefect of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith refutes the ideas of those who want to permit second marriages with the first spouse still alive. He is backed up by Cardinal Sebastián, who also disagrees with Cardinal Kasper. But whose side is Pope Francis on?” [Note: haven’t you read that Kasper is the pope’s theologian?]

What we don’t get from Magister is an answer to his own question, so you can have one from me. Whose side is Pope Francis on? [How about this quote from Francis on Kasper’s errors? “I read and reread Cardinal Walter Kasper’s document and I would like to thank him, as I found it to be a work of profound theology, and also a serene theological reflection. It is pleasant to read serene theology.” (source)] He is on Müller’s, not on Kasper’s: he will continue to defend the tradition of the Church in this matter, as he has already done.

What will they say after the October 2014 Synod?

Most Misunderstood Pope? Yeah, Right

Michael Voris needs to see the forest through the trees. The German Jesuits know better. “Francis knows exactly how power is spelled … They say he’s being unclear, but we know exactly what he means.

What was wrong with the Pope’s latest interview? A lot.

While the title is intriguing, there is another mesmerized defense of Francis third interview with Scalfari at Catholic Culture. While they complain about certain aspects, it is the usual Scalfari-can’t-be-trusted approach. A factual excerpt:

The Vatican spokesman says that the article in La Repubblica accurately “captures the spirit of the conversation,” but any given statement attributed to the Pope might be inaccurate. Yet he does not correct any inaccuracies. Having said that the article is “most interesting,” he leaves readers to sort out truth and error for themselves.

Of course the Vatican doesn’t correct any inaccuracies – there are none to correct. This is merely part of the “PR Plan” of Francis who can get his ideas published while having plausible deniability because of the means, and no one can directly accuse him of errors against the faith. After all, it was just the poor memory or misunderstanding of Scalfari. This atheist is either part of the plan or being played like a fiddle. But those in the know fully understand what Francis means, as explained here.

Read it all Catholic Culture.

In order to maintain the unity of the Church, today that loyalty is perhaps best expressed through silence

Excerpts from Fr. Ray Blake’s Blog

There was a solidity and certainty in Benedict’s teaching which made discussion possible and stimulated intellectual honesty, one knew where the Church and the Pope stood. Today we are in less certain times, the intellectual life of the Church is thwart with uncertainty.”

Certainty? Not any more! But indifferentism and syncretism will be hallmarks of the One World Religion headed by Francis. Conversion to the One Holy Catholic postolic Faith? Nah! Proselytism is solemn nonsense. What is Fr. Blake’s response?

“Most Catholics but especially clergy want to be loyal to the Pope in order to maintain the unity of the Church, today that loyalty is perhaps best expressed through silence.”

No, Father, speak the Truth! Don’t be like Adam who was silent while the serpent ravished his wife, Eve. Stand up and defend your Bride, Father, the Church.

Read it all there.

Apocalypse Now

Like so many who are observing real problems with Francis, writers like the one referenced here are not yet ready to accept the dramatic conclusion that Francis is truly the Biblical False Prophet and that Jesus is returning soon. They are half-asleep, drowsy, which is better than most of the Church who makes constant excuses for Francis, who are therefore totally asleep. I wonder what they will say after the great schism results from sin being accepted after the October Synod? Will they wake up then? We few who accept God’s Prophetic Word and the signs of the times must pray that they do. Now to his observations, which are erroneous wishful thinking:

Excerpts from

Apocolypse [sic] Now

Everything is starting to feel quite apocalyptic, but I would really like to ask readers to refrain from even suggesting that Pope Francis is the ‘false prophet’ from the Book of the Apocalypse, even if I understand the fear and consternation generated by the Franciscan pontificate only too well.

Neither do I blame some people for thinking that the prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy, condemned by the Irish Bishops as fraudulent, are ‘become exceedingly credible’ only because it feels like the walls of the Church could come down upon us come October. If people start to believe that Our Lord and His Mother is talking to an Irish woman who works in PR then it is only because the silliness of the idea is outweighed by the oscillating publicity generated by Pope Francis himself, through statements, interviews, phone calls and who he keeps as close advisors. Those faithful to the Magisterium desperately want the Pope to restrain, correct, refute error, protect, rebuke dissidents, defend the Church and feed the flock of Christ. Instead, Cardinal Kasper’s opinions – which are themselves divisive – and some consider downright heretical – are welcomed in an open forum. Despite this, it is neither fair, nor just to describe His Holiness in such manner as the destroyer, the persecutor of the Book of Daniel or the ‘false prophet’ of Revelation.


The Usual Sleepy Response to Communion for Adulterers

Fr. Z has this to say about the Holy Communion for adulterers as promoted by modernist Cardinals like Kasper and Baldisseri in preparation for the October 2014 Synod.

“The Holy Father, Pope Francis, will eventually uphold the Church’s teaching and discipline that those who “marry” again after a divorce, that is, those who live in an adulterous relationship, cannot receive Holy Communion.”

“I don’t see any way around that. Furthermore, one of the main duties of every Pope is to say “No!”. It shouldn’t surprise us when they do.”

The real question is what will you do when the new church does the opposite of what you say?


Francis AGAIN: “Who am I to judge?”

Read another “Who am I to judge?” comment from Francis at As usual, the excuse is that he didn’t really mean that.

Francis is Fortune’s Top World Leader

Francis is Fortune’s Top World Leader. Only until the formal arrival of the Antichrist.

The world loves its own. John 15:19 and 1 John 4:5.