Tag Archives: Ireland

Young Priests Observant on Francis – Abp. Diarmuid Martin criticizes them

Excerpts from the Tablet

Pope Francis’ courage is causing disquiet among those with “a very conformist and closed Catholicism” the Archbishop of Dublin has warned.

The young priest felt they “were not in line with what he had learned in the seminary” [he is right!] and he suggested that they were “making the faithful insecure and even encouraging those who do not hold the orthodox Catholic beliefs to challenge traditional teaching.”

The archbishop warned conservative and progressive Catholics against becoming “closed in” within our own ideas. He also acknowledged that Irish Catholicism had a strong tradition of strict teaching.

Fr. Z has commentary on this here. A brief excerpt:

They didn’t, I notice, find a priest on the other side of the issue, a conservative or traditional priest, to react.   Conservatives get an additional pounding, but the progressives?  They get a pass.

Meanwhile, Ireland’s seminaries are empty. [by their fruit you will know them]

Read it all at the Tablet and at Fr. Z.

Francis Effect: Bishop McKeown says “Stop ‘screaming’ over abortion”, that’s “hate”

Excerpts from Independent.ie

Here is the “fruit” of Francis’ comment about stop being obsessive with teaching Catholic moral doctrines.

Bishop urges pro-life groups to stop ‘screaming’ over abortion

THE new Catholic Bishop of Derry [Ireland] has warned the pro-life movement that it needs to stop “screaming” over abortion.

Bishop Donal McKeown, who is due to be installed in St Eugene’s Cathedral in Derry on April 6, sent a strong message about the tactics employed by both sides of the debate, but warned pro-life campaigners: “You can’t hate people into loving life.”

There you have it – telling people to stop having abortions and to work for legislative protection of the unborn is “hate.” This is exactly how the One World Religion will treat Jesus’ teachings as taught by the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.