Pope vs. Anti-pope

There is an important distinction to be understood when it comes to the Catholic Papacy, and that is what is an Anti-pope compared to a Pope?

In short,  an Anti-pope is a false claimant of the Holy See in opposition to a pontiff canonically elected. Throughout the history of the Church, many illegal pretenders to the Papal Chair have arisen, and frequently exercised pontifical functions in defiance of the true occupant. At one point, there were two simultaneous Anti-popes and one (there can be only one) valid Pope. Details are available in the Catholic Encyclopedia here.

Many Protestants, having believed the errors of Martin Luther and successors, claim that the papacy itself is the Antichrist or Beast. Lutheran Book of Concord states, “[T]he pope is the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ . . . Accordingly, just as we cannot adore the devil himself as our lord or God, so we cannot suffer his apostle, the pope or Antichrist, to govern us as our head or lord” (Smalcald Articles 2:4:10, 14). Not so. Some apologetic answers to that are at Catholic Answers here, and here and here, and at Catholic Encyclopedia here.

The true pontiff remains Pope Benedict XVI because a forced resignation is invalid according to Canon Law.

32 responses to “Pope vs. Anti-pope

  1. But Pope Benedict stated on two occasions that his resignation was voluntary and he pledged his obedience to Pope Francis. To say otherwise is to make a liar of Pope emeritus Benedict


    • Patsy Koenig

      No, it does NOT make him a liar. It makes him MISTAKEN. Papal infallability does not cover statements about the pope’s subjective feelings. Subjective feelings are 1.) easily misunderstood by one’s self, and 2.) do not always match external reality. Example: I could feel cold; yet it is warm both inside and outside – I simply have a chill. Thus feelings do not always match the facts; even for a pope.


  2. If what one says is always the complete or full truth then you would be correct. Did the fact that Jesus said concerning the life He would give in Crucifixion “no man takes it from Me but I lay it down of Myself” mean that there was then no human crime involved or any human culpability? The facts are clear, Benedict was forced to resign. A crime was committed against the Vicar of Christ and the entire Church of Christ and canon law supports the victim whether anyone else agrees or not. To be willfully blind to this is itself a serious offense against Heaven and the entire Church.


  3. The facts do not support your position at all. Pope Benedict stated publicly on two occasions that he was renouncing the papacy. He also pledged his obedience to Pope Francis. No crime was committed and the alleged “victim” here does not support your point of view. There is no case here; only emeritus Pope Benedict could bring such a case and he has not done so.


  4. You are making your case on the premise Benedict was not forced out and that his public renunciation of the papal office was not coerced. This reasoning is accepted in human affairs, but I doubt it is accepted in Heaven. It was this same legalism that so perverted the sect of the Pharisees in Jesus day and extended even to their claiming innocence in Jesus’ death merely because Pilate gave to sentence for crucifixion. Now if Benedict was not coerced you might have a valid position if you can prove that God would never let a papal conclave elect merely a bishop of Rome who himself has renounced the papal chair to merely falsely claim the bishopric of Rome. In regard to the pledge of support for Francis, that does sound like a clincher. But not really, even though this at least seems more certainly a sincere commitment. Popes can make errors in discernment. Time of course will make things more clear what now we might only be afraid to see.


  5. There is no reason whatever to think he was coerced, and he would have been derelict in his duty had he not stated that, were it true. We can’t really pretend what is accepted in heaven without pretending an infallibility we don’t have. It’s pretty silly to compare that reasoning with that of the pharisees but for some people, when all else fails they want to compare their opponents with pharisees. It is of course, hardly a legalism! Had he been forced out, he would have told us. He has embraced his predecessor and returned to the Vatican. We don’t need to prove Pope Francis is valid, the assumption is that he is. A canonically elected pope is pope, plain and simple. No one else is claiming the papacy, no cardinal electors have made any objections. The burden of proof is on those who claim otherwise.


    • Patsy Koenig

      There is plenty of reason to think that Pope Benedict XVI was coerced to resign. They just were not on the front page of the New York Times; but they are there, if you look beneath the surface.


    • Fred: you can complain all you want about whether you think Pope Benedict voluntarily left the papacy but you would remain wrong and guess what? It will be shown to the world you are wrong when the evidence continues to pour in that Francis is indeed, the False Prophet. Signs are starting to appear that this is the case and when the Eucharist is banned from churches, then it will be obvious. Stop wasting other’s time with your ridiculous position. Just because Benedict is on record as saying he supports Francis doesn’t in fact mean anything and your statement that if he had been forced out, he would have told us is ridiculous on its face–if you’re being forced to resign or leave a position, of course your enemies are going to quote one as saying they agree its being done–that’s the “official” version of reality–propaganda is all it is. Just like the US media–do you think the “official” account of their reported take on what’s happening has ANYTHING to do with reality???? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz….Wake up!


  6. You are correct Fred, that the burden of proof is on those who would discount or question the legitimacy of the present situation. So caution is certainly called for in arriving at conclusions. But here are the facts that require pursuit of a serious and honest evaluation of Francis. Let us start with acknowledging the real magnitude of the crisis that has existed in the Church since at least pope Paul VI: “The smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God . . . . The darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church EVEN TO ITS SUMMIT . . . into the HIGHEST LEVELS OF THE CHURCH.” Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972; October 13, 1977 http://www.catholicrevelations.org/PR/pope%20paul%20vi.htm

    One therefore really has to be irresponsible to not be asking the following questions, especially in light of the “final pope” of the Malachy prophecy: Has a dragon begun to emerge from beneath the well placed sheep’s clothing of the man chosen to head the Church following the forced resignation of Benedict XVI? Do the forces that have dominated the Vatican under the past four Vatican State Secretaries finally have the man who will do their bidding? These highest level forces in the Vatican poisoned Pope John Paul I who had vowed to expose the Masons in the Vatican and clean up the Vatican Bank(1); these highest level forces drugged and secluded Pope Paul VI and trotted out an imposter in his place(2); these highest level forces disappeared the real sister Lucia of Fatima and replaced her with an imposter who changed the Fatima message(3); these highest level forces were key in the assassination attempt of John Paul II(4); and now they have driven the final true Pope from Peter’s Chair.(5) Have these highest level forces now successfully replaced him with a masterful deceiver? It is a matter of record that Secretary of State Bertone ordered Benedict to resign(5), and the day following his resignation the German bank, which had cut off credit card service to the Vatican Museum months before, resulting in substantial loss of revenue from tourists, reinstated its service. (6) Bertone’s assault on papal authority paralleled his perpetuation of the massive distortion of the Fatima message that Vatican Secretaries of State Villot, Casaroli and Sodano had created and disseminated throughout the Church before him, purporting that the threat to the faith and the Church predicted at Fatima was past.(7) Pope Benedict’s surprising and unprecedented public exposure of that deception before tens of thousands at Fatima on May 13, 2010, declaring that Sodano’s and Bertone’s views about Fatima were a deception(8) was very likely what sealed his fate.
    These forces aligned against Heaven, the faith and papal authority in particular, however, were largely in place even in 1917 which explains why the Fatima revelations were ignored by the Vatican from the very beginning. Six years later in 1923 when the extremely urgent request for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was given, Rome snubbed Her request, and after yet another seven years of stonewalling, only declared the message free of moral and theological error not certainly of God! In stark contrast, the local secular communist paper in Fatima the day following the event declared its position in the bold front page headline: “A MIRACLE!”
    Conditions since have only gotten worse among the cardinals and bishops in the Church, precisely as the message of Fatima had warned would happen for neglecting this consecration of Russia, with the attack on the papacy and authentic Catholic faith only accelerating. Our Lady at Garabandal in 1965 declared that because her message had not been made known “many Cardinals, many bishops and many priests were on the way to perdition and taking many souls with them.” Vatican II therefore, instead of being the new springtime for the New Evangelization that Heaven had planned for it, and specifically revealed to the visionary Maria Valtorta in 1950,(9) became a moral and theological morass of confusion. With the forced (and thus invalid) removal of Benedict, the enemy finally had literally overthrown the papacy, not in the real Church with its spiritual members, but in the Church’s outer structure, its organization which had been built up around the Church over the last 19 hundred years, along with all its dissident members who had lost the faith. Having rejected Heaven’s sent prophets they succumbed to a host of false prophets calling themselves biblical scholars and theologians and their vile heretical NAB Catholic Study Bible.
    So is the alleged “replacement” for Benedict, who is being praised by Sodano and Bertone to high heavens, really a sudden move upwards or is it a cascading downward free-fall? Does the Malachy prophecy that says Benedict was the last pope mean, what seems quite obvious, that the next one would be the dragon in sheep’s clothing of Revelation 13 or do we now have by some amazing miracle a complete reversal, instead, Peter the Roman who will lead the faithful remnant thru the Tribulation? In the light of the 96 years since 1917 itself I would clearly have to put my money on a sheep-looking dragon! But Francis’ record since he has been installed I believe should settle the matter. With that record so far do we see a smaller Church, as Benedict specifically predicted for the true Church, or a larger more inclusive Church? The dragon under the sheepskin has actually revealed from the very start which Church he envisions, though some of us admittedly did not want to see it. But first the sheepskin: Who would not have, at least at first, been impressed with one in such a high position of authority (and please do not forget that truth – Matthew 16:18!) foregoing private transportation for public transportation, or settling for humble housing rather than the comparative luxury of papal housing, or even for asking the people to bless him? I must say these gestures at first sent a deep and warm sensation through my soul. Humility is such an in dispensable part of spirituality! But was this humility or were these acts an assault on the office of the papacy and its supreme authority, and only an extension of the agenda to eliminate the papacy by Vatican Secretaries of State Sodano and Bertone, and Villot and Casaroli before them? Would that be the real reason for not accepting the papal residence? Or refusing to take the traditional papal chair? And why else would Francis introduce himself as merely the bishop of Rome and not the true head of the universal Church? Added to this was that the utter contempt for Benedict that had spread throughout the Church in Europe was given an unmistakable nod by Francis by the “strange” ten day delay before his meeting with Benedict!
    During Holy Week was it not a dragon who revealed itself even more clearly, in an attack upon the Lord’s establishment of the male priesthood of the Church and even on the superiority and uniqueness of Christianity itself? This again however was carefully veiled in the sheepskin of humility where a false humility was once again the excuse or cover for attacking fundamental divine truths. The fundamental divine truths in the foot washing of Holy Thursday springs from its being a re-enactment of Our Lord’s washing the Apostles’ feet on that first Holy Thursday. It was a lesson of humility confined to the priesthood and thus its extension could only be to those that might qualify for that place. This excluded both women and certainly non-Christians who in either case could never qualify for the priesthood in the true Catholic Church! There are 364 other days in the year that Francis could have washed anyone’s feet he wished if humility was all he wanted to show. So under the mere sheepskin of humility Francis committed the “wicked gesture” accurately predicted would happen by our Lord during Holy Week and revealed to the visionary Maria Divine Mercy on March 14, a full week before the sacrilege. (10) Francis on that day, Holy Thursday, washed the feet of two women one of whom was not even a Christian. Would anyone question that these are the two primary elements sought by the “progressives” for their Future Church, a church where Christian distinctive have become irrelevant along with divine distinctions between the sexes? In the New Church there will be both women priests and non-Christian priests, for Christian will be redefined to mean merely all that is “good” according to the current popular perception and Satanic will be redefined to mean all that is not good according to the current perception. Faith in Christ or Anyone above self will not be necessary for one’s “good deeds” to become acceptable. It is that very fundamental altering of the view of “Christ” and “Satan” who now primarily become figures, that perfectly explains the strange declaration Francis made early on, that those who pray to anyone other than Jesus prays to Satan. While on the very surface the statement is false, as God is triune, and further, even those with no knowledge of Christianity can understand the reality of a supreme Creator and pray to Him, the statement would certainly give the very useful impression Francis must be a conservative! That Francis in his previous role as archbishop in Argentina stood publically against homosexual marriage has convinced many that he is a conservative. But an activist who knows Francis personally tells a far different story about his personal convictions. (11) And if you have any further doubts check this out: Cardinal Bergoglio (now Francis I) Honors Pro-Homosexual Jewish Rabbi
    That a new universal religion is being formed is being confirmed by the latest statements of Francis when he declared emphatically that all men have been redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice including atheists and have become in that redemption “children of God in the first class.”(12) Universal salvation is not a new notion but it is certainly new coming from the mouth someone claiming to be head of the Catholic Church! Universal salvation is heresy. Further, Francis adamantly insisted that atheists by doing good are accepted with God and can contribute to peace in the world. That is also rank heresy. Francis is terribly wrong here on two very significant matters. All men have not been redeemed and many never will be! Only those in the New Covenant are made “sons of God” in New Birth regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Christ’s redemption only OFFERS to all men re-instatement of divine sonship that was lost for humanity in the Garden. While it is certainly true “many” who die outside the New Covenant will end up in Heaven according to Jesus in Matthew 8:11-12, Peter, in his illumination over the spiritual status of the pagan Roman Centurion Cornelius, is equally clear in Acts 10:35 that only those outside the covenant (thus “unsaved”) “WHO FEAR GOD and work righteousness are acceptable to Him.” So He is wrong also in stating that atheists (in a true and full sense), whose good works of necessity cannot then be out of faith in any degree but are completely of self, can in any way please God or even be a part of contributing to true human peace. This is of the deceptive moral category of “enlightened self interest,” which is the deepest of deceptions as it is a false and fraudulent righteousness based on self and human pride. This is “self-righteousness” or “OUR righteousness” and in God’s sight it is as “menstrual rags” (Isaiah 64:6). This is the same kind of righteousness Satan and Lucifer often use to get from others what they want. Did the Devil offering Jesus the kingdoms of the world make him acceptable to God? Francis certainly knows he is in conflict here with these most fundamental elements of the Christian faith and thus he is a heretic and a deceiving false prophet.
    In light of Francis’ revealing statements, and now his public praise of the “progressive” modernist theologian Cardinal Walter Kasper,(13) the Vatican has determined that none of his homilies forthwith will be published in full but only summaries will be presented!(14) Need we yet wonder, Why? And with the recent stunning admission by a member of the “progressive” party itself that Vatican II was indeed deliberately vague in its documents and deliberately open to opposite interpretations(15) (something they have in the past vehemently denied), we might well understand that the door is now being opened for Vatican III in order to settle these pesky ambiguities and finally make clear what the “progressives” wanted from the beginning for their New Church! And if they want large Catholic support for this they will need to keep a muffle on the dragon for the moment and have him seen as a “supporter of tradition,” because he effectively destroyed the Latin Mass even where there was a very high demand for it, in his Buenos Aries diocese. A “consecration to” Our Lady of Fatima would be the icing on the cake. I think it is clear we are seeing the mega deception spoken of in Revelation 13:11-18 about to be fulfilled before our eyes. When the false prophet begins to work miracles as St. John in Revelation predicts, only those who know the true faith, and judge by that, will not be taken in by the sheep-looking dragon who will support the coming Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ will emerge to bring peace following a serious escalation of the present state of war in the world and perhaps right in conjunction with a new Vatican Council which will formalize and inaugurate the New “FutureChurch.” Benedict XVI then is still the vicar of Christ for the true Catholic Church.
    “Watch, My child, what is to be. They will call another Council. Oh, but Satan now has his plans. O woe, woe to evil man – what is to come upon them!” – Our Lady, February 1, 1974 at Bayside
    “My child, one part only can be made known, given to you. Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the third world war. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the world. Our Lady, May 30, 1981 at Bayside http://www.tldm.org/Bayside/Messages/BM810530.htm

    (1) http://www.tldm.org/news3/johnpaulI.htm
    (2) http://www.tldm.org/directives/d50.htm
    (3) http://traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/g12htArt2_TwoSisterLucys.htm
    (4) “The Vatican bears responsibility for the attack on the Pope. Without the help of some priests and cardinals I could not have done it.” Mehmet Ali Agca http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread413669/pg1 http://www.tldm.org/News15/PopeJohnPaulIIsFailedAssassinBlamesTheVatican.htm
    (5) http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2013/02-2013/did-arrest-warrant-force-pope-benedicts-resignation/
    (6) http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/02/hmm-one-day-after-the-pope-announces-resignation-credit-card-payments-restored-at-vatican-2563182.html
    (7) http://www.fatima.org/news/enlarchive/enl0213.asp
    (8) http://www.fatimacrusader.com/cr95/cr95pg3.pdf
    (9) The Notebooks 1945 1950 pages 564-565
    (10) http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/this-wicked-gesture-during-holy-week-will-be-seen-by-those-who-keep-their-eyes-open/
    (11) http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/20/world/americas/argentina-pope-civil-unions/index.html
    (12) http://biblicalfalseprophet.com/2013/05/26/francis-rocked-some-religious-and-atheist-minds-today-when-he-declared-that-everyone-was-redeemed-including-atheists/
    (13) http://www.catholicvote.org/jp-in-rome-pope-francis-first-angelus/
    (14) http://biblicalfalseprophet.com/2013/06/01/vatican-covering-up-now-vatican-will-not-publish-full-text-of-popes-weekday-mass-homilies/
    (15) Video: http://www.churchmilitant.tv/daily/?today=2013-06-03


    • Interesting reply.. and indeed “Papa Montini” would know first hand, as it has been maintained he was one of the priests controlled by the communists, and he was surely being blackmailed by them , for certain “leanings” which although well known in the vatican circles I won’t repeat here.
      He had a strong spiritual side despite that all, and so it was *he* that loosed Fr Malachi Martin to be free to write his books about the goings on in the Vatican, and in his “Smoke of Satan” comment, it was not a slip that he referred to it reaching the “very top”, which of course was *him* as Pope Paul VI , and John XVIII before him, who, it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, was not lawfully elected by the council.
      Thank God for Paul VI’s Spiritual repentance, or perhaps he had it all along and was just waiting to be Pope to exact his revenge against the freemasons…


  7. To begin with, I am not sure that your last quote of Paul VI is accurate, I would have to see that one in an official source. In any event, the quote is from 1977, a time at which Bayside followers were told Paul VI had been replaced by an impostor so you are quoting the impostor! (I no longer believe he was replaced by an impostor) The rest of your post is filled with suppositions stated as fact which you can’t even begin to prove. It’s a matter “of record” that Bertone ordered Benedict XVI to resign? No arrest warrant was ever issued for Pope Benedict XVI, that’s a total myth. The ITCCS is not a recognized organization and could not arrest anyone. As their own website states, they are “citizen based”. http://itccs.org/calendar/
    John Paul I was poisoned? Again, where is the proof? You mostly seem to rely on the “Bayside apparitions” which I was once involved in promoting. But as I learned first hand Bayside is littered with false prophecies that never came true. Veronica Lueken’s bishop was supposed to receive “a sign” from God proving the apparitions and it was stated he would then begin building a great basilica but that bishop died without ever receiving that sign. A few years later Veronica died too. The apparitions were never approved and won’t be. I am amazed that anyone still bothers with them.
    Thanks be to God I got out of it in 1979. As to the prophecies of St. Malachy, no scholar takes them seriously. They are very likely a 16th century forgery and have quite a few inaccuracies in them, for example the great Pope Benedict XIV is described as “farm animal”. See http://www.osvdailytake.com/2013/02/the-prophecies-of-st-malachy-are-they.html The Vatican in fact never issued a statement on Fatima in 1930 but the local bishop did. You have no proof whatever that anyone in the Vatican was complicit in the attempt on John Paul II. I don’t have time to go through your whole list here, but you have not offered real support for what you are saying. As to the foot washing of Holy Thursday, the GIRM states plainly that it is a purely optional part of the servce and in fact bishops who petitioned the Vatican to wash womens’ feet on Holy Thursday during the reign of Pope Benedict were granted permission to do so. You need better acquaintance with liturgical norms.
    As to Pope Francis’ remarks about atheists he said only that all are redeemed, as in fact we are. But redemption and salvation are two different things. One very old prayer that we say each Lent during the Stations of the Cross is “we adore you O Christ and we bless you because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world”. So he said nothing new. Don’t confuse redemption with salvation. It’s no different than what is in St. Paul : “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all….” 1 Timothy 2:5-6. Pope Francis was only expressing a hope This is a better explanation : http://wdtprs.com/blog/2013/05/pope-francis-on-the-possibility-of-salvation-for-atheists/
    You will be waiting a long time for Pope Francis to do anything of the things predicted in mdm, They won’t happen and it’s foolish to even look for them. As to Cardinal Kasper’s opinions those are only his opinion but that there are ambiguities in Vatican II is something that is obvious. But the only rightful interpretations is that of the Apostolic See. We have not run out of popes, in fact the Church teaches infallibly that we cannot run out of popes. Vatican I settled that matter. Kindly read: “Therefore,
    if anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ the lord himself (that is to say, by divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole church; or that the Roman pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy:
    let him be anathema.” Source:http://www.dailycatholic.org/history/20ecume3.htm Deny that and you are no longer Catholic. That should put to rest the idea that the keys of St. Peter have gone back to “God the Father” as mdm claims. In fact, it is Catholic teaching that no such thing can happen. mdm said Pope Benedict would “flee” the Vatican but in fact he is there and has pledged his obedience to Pope Francis.


  8. Fred, We cannot see what we do not wish to. But the next year should provide all the reason anyone of good will should need to understand the present situation. If Benedict proves to be the Fatima pope in white who is martyred after fleeing Rome then it will be impossible to claim Francis’ legitimacy. And one final thought is that there are well circulated records of pope Pius X describing visions he had in 1909 and 1914 in which he saw a pope with the same name as his own being martyred after fleeing Rome. For those interested, Pius X’s original first name Giuseppe is the Italian version of Joseph. (And for the multitudes of Catholics that have been deceived by papal opponents Sodano and Bertone who disseminated throughout the Church the view that the Fatima warning was fulfilled in the assassination attempt of John Paul II, Benedict publically declared before 500,000 at Fatima in May 2010 that that official Vatican version of Fatima was a deception. Too many Catholics remain willfully blinded to the extent of the crisis in the Church by too many things to be able to discern the times we are in. Pray for honesty, humility and love of Christ will fill the hearts of the blind and deceived. Many will be lost without it.


  9. I think the problem is that you are not that familiar with the messages of mdm itself. Let’s take a look. You are referring to a possibility that Benedict may flee. But according to mdm, that has already taken place. The message of March 13, 2013 states : “My beloved Pope Benedict XVI was persecuted and fled, as foretold.” Well he is now back in the Vatican and recently made another appearance with Pope Francis. As to the “well circulated” records of what St. Pius X said I have yet to see that quote very well sourced, other than what is copied and pasted on the web. Pope Benedict did not declare the “official Vatican version of Fatima was a deception”. He said: “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete. Here there takes on new life the plan of God which asks humanity from the beginning: “Where is your brother Abel […] Your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground!” (Gen 4:9). Mankind has succeeded in unleashing a cycle of death and terror, but failed in bringing it to an end.” He goes on to refer to the “triumph of the Immaculate Heart” because of course THAT prophecy is not yet fulfilled. So, in that sense, the prophetic mission of Fatima is not over, but in no sense did he say the Vatican had engaged in some deception when releasing the last secret of Fatima. To do that he would have to denounce himself as he was involved in the release of the “last secret” himself! http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/homilies/2010/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20100513_fatima_en.html
    This is what he said as Cardinal Ratzinger in 2000: “A careful reading of the text of the so-called third “secret” of Fatima, published here in its entirety long after the fact and by decision of the Holy Father, will probably prove disappointing or surprising after all the speculation it has stirred”. Please note it says “published here in its entirety”. So it was not Sodano and Bertone as you say but Cardinal Ratzinger himself who said the secret was released in its entirety. http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html


  10. MORE CONFIRMATION OF MY PREVIOUS CONCLUSIONS ABOUT THE PRESENT CRISIS IN THE CHURCH. First, from Pedro Regis of Brazil who predicted the overturn of the papacy and the false pope in 2008 and then from Pope Pius X that confirms that the Fatima “pope in white” who will be martyred will be Benedict XVI.
    Here are excerpts of Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace given to Pedro Regis Pedro Regis from Brazil has been receiving messages from Heaven since 1987. His bishop has provided a positive statement. There have been many miracles in his ministry and several of his prophecies have been fulfilled.
    Source: http://biblicalfalseprophet.com/2013/07/03/some-pedro-regis-messages-on-papal-problems-and-schism/ (now placed in chronological order)

    Message 2939, January 5, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, a war will explode on Rome and there will be few survivors. He who is against Christ will bring suffering and sorrow to all Europe. The throne of Peter will be empty [after Benedict XVI is martyred as the 3rd secret of Fatima says]. Tears of pain and weeping of lamentations will be seen in the Church.
    Message 2996, May 13, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, … Now is the time I foretold to you in the past. …A man clothed in white will be persecuted and killed. The faithful will have to weep and lament on the feast of a great martyr. …
    Message 3014, June 24, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, the revolt of many consecrated persons will cause great suffering for the Church. The heart of the Church will be wounded by a great schism [also prophesied at Akita Japan]. The work of the devil will cause many consecrated souls to go away from the truth….
    Message 3046, August 29, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. The one who could have been Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors for the enemy and will make men and women of faith suffer….
    Message 3073, October 26, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, love the truth and seek to be as Jesus in everything. Be faithful to Jesus. Be faithful to the Church. When all the persecutions are over, the Church of My Jesus will experience a great victory. Only the Church founded by Christ will deliver men and women faithful to Christ. You can attain salvation only through the one true Church. You can encounter the necessary means for salvation only in the Church of My Jesus. Enemies will try to destroy the Church. They will manage great things, but cannot prevail against those who truly love the truth. In the great and last persecution of the Church, the enemies will be surprised. Christ will come to defend His Church. Don’t stray from the way I have pointed out. Be just. Pray. You can comprehend My appeals only by prayer. Forward without fear.
    Message 3096, December 19, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come when there will be few men and women of faith. The church will be without Peter [After Benedict XVI is martyred as shown in the 3rd Fatima secret], and many will follow their own thoughts….
    Message 3098, December 23, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, … The Church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. The day will come when there will be two thrones, but only on one will be the true successor of Peter. It will be a time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth. Listen to what I say and remain firm in the faith….
    Message 3129, March 3, 2009
    …There will be a great profanation and the throne of Peter will be overturned. Be strong in the faith. Don’t back away. Trust in Jesus. After all the persecutions, the victory of The Lord will come. I am your Mom. Open your hearts to My call and bring My appeals to everyone. Courage….
    Message 3148, April 17, 2009
    Dear Sons and Daughters, an arrogant Pope will divide the Church. His orders will be obeyed and what is precious will be thrown out. A great spiritual confusion is on the way. Pray. You can only defeat the devil by the power of prayer. Stay with the truth and accept the Gospel of My Son Jesus. Those who remain faithful to the end will be saved.
    …The day will come when the Pope will be taken from his throne. The kingdom will be divided, with great spiritual confusion everywhere. Don´t lose heart. Stay with the truth and you will be victorious…
    Message 3276, June 2, 2010
    The day will come when an apparently good and just man will appear. He will deceive many people, for he will realize great prodigies. He will come from the southern hemisphere and many people will consider him as a savior. Pay attention and don’t be deceived.
    …The smoke of the devil will spread everywhere and people will be contaminated with false doctrines. They will abandon the Gospel and embrace false ideologies. Don’t forget, the truth is fully maintained only in the Catholic Church. If you want to remain on the way to salvation that I have pointed out during these years, listen to the true magisterium of the Church and flee from the lies of the devil…
    3.780 – February 23, 2013
    Dear children, do not be afraid. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to the truth. Open your hearts and heed me. Now the times which I predicted have arrived. You are going toward a future of great trials. Now is a time of great spiritual confusion.
    March 23, 2013
    “The future will be marked by a serious conflict between the true Church and the false one [anti-pope False Prophet]. The Church of my Jesus will carry a heavy cross, suffering as it has never experienced before.”

    Pope Pius X saw the Pope to be forced out of Rome and suffer martyrdom to be one with his own name. This would have to be the martyrdom the “pope in white” revealed at Fatima.
    Pope Pius X’s real name was Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, and Giuseppe is the Italian version of Joseph. (Benedict declared before 500,000 at Fatima in May 2010 that the official Vatican version of Fatima’s fulfillment in the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul’s life was a deception! Benedict as the true vicar of Christ is now the Lamb being led to the slaughter who “opens not his mouth”! )

    In 1909, during an audience for the general chapter of the Franciscan Order, Pope Pius X suddenly fell into a trance. The audience waited in reverent silence. When he awoke, the Pope cried out:
    “What I see is terrifying! Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests.


    • “11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
      12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
      All these recent messages are part of the great delusion.. and that includes apparitions, also.
      Remember that in every lie remains some truth, otherwise it could not take effect.
      How to tell which sentence Satan says is a lie, and which is true?
      When Satan says what he will DO, (naturally said in the third person of whatever entity is being impersonated) as in “The smoke of the devil will spread everywhere and people will be contaminated with false doctrines” then it is very probably true and he will indeed do such..
      But when he says what will happen because of it, he is speaking oif his own desires against God, and is simply stating a lie “The church will be without Peter [After Benedict XVI is martyred as shown in the 3rd Fatima secret], and many will follow their own thoughts….”
      This should help..


  11. David, That really doesn’t prove anything. Sister Lucia already confirmed that the bishop in white is John Paul II. Benedict is no longer pope, and makes no claim on the office but just the contrary. mdm claimed in a msg of March 13, 2013 that: “My beloved Pope Benedict XVI was persecuted and fled, as foretold”. Notice the use of the past tense? But in fact Benedict only went briefly to Castel Gandolfo and has now returned and pledged his obedience to Pope Francis. As to your notion that Benedict declared the official version of the Fatima secret to be a “deception”, he in fact said no such thing. Only that the “prophetic mission” of Fatima was not over. To say otherwise he would have to admit a deception of his own since he said quite plainly in the Vatican release of 2000 that the secret had been released “in its entirety”. As to Pedro Regis he is not approved like mdm. But I notice the msg of June 11 2013 refers to him as pope, not an antipope. Do you have any documentation of what is attributed to Pope St. Pius X? I see this quote often on the internet but I see no proof he ever said such things. So many claim to be “visionaries” but how much stands up. Some followed John Leary who predicted an antipope after John Paul II. That is very wrong. I have no confidence in these seers, they have no miracles and the don’t get approved.


    • Fred you operate on pure human intelligence to present your arguements. There is a lot of things the current so called pope Francis had said that is not catholic teaching. Any simple minded catholic who is led by the holy spirit can see what this false pope is up to. Who is MDM anywhere? I pray for the discernment gift and am guided to understand the truth as taught by the catholic faith. I do not need MDM although so far her messages seem credible. So to me human intelligence will always. lead to pride despite our intentions being good in presenting our opinions. The truth is that this pope is infact the anti pope and things are headed for doom under his reign.


      • donnaliane72

        Dear Nick, you are right in your comments to Fred. We must empty ourselves of pride and pray honestly and deeply for the gift of discernment from the Holy Spirit. I hope and trust you have been doing so since this comment. MDM is a woman who started to receive prophecies in November 2010. Jesus States the messages are for all mankind in order to prepare mankind for His 2nd Coming. The Messages make up The Book of Truth which was prophesied in Daniel 10:21. Or the msgs can be found at thewarningsecondcoming.com
        I found them easier to follow in book form though.
        God bless you in your mission!
        In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,


  12. Nick, I operate on what the Church teaches and I rely on Jesus’ promises to the Church, that the Magisterium can never teach error. So it has nothing to do with just human intelligence at all. The Pope can be trusted, no matter what he might say in an interview, the Holy Spirit still protects the Magisterium, that is the promise of Jesus. I pray you will not be deceived.


    • Ok Fred we all subscribe to Jesus’s promise that the church cannot teach error. But who do we blame when error is being taught by Francis. Obviously Jesus cannot be taken for a liar. This Catholic Church is Christ’s Church and no one else, not even the pope or the people who make up the magisterium. We share in the ownership of the church by virtue of our faith in Christ and in essence if that faith diminishes for some reason we run the risk of losing the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And I believe Jesus being the owner of his mystical body on earth has every right to take away his spirit from the human head of his mystical body because one has lost faith. So what if he has barred his Spirit from Francis due to lose of faith? I am certain it is possible when Jesus sees that things would not be right according to how he expects his truth to be proclaimed to remove from those sacred servants his Spirit leaving them with mere human spirit and wisdom which results in error after erro being made like what we are experiencing with Francis. Sure the gates of Hades shall not prevail against the Catholic Church because she will still remain in the remmnants church of the faithful after he does away with those whom he wills for teaching error. So can we not say that the promise Jesus made to lead the church into all truth remains in the individual faithful as they are the church when he cleans up the mess at the hierarchy given the promise in the böok of revelation of a time when man must face God’s just punishment to further elevate humankind to another level of spiritual and physical stature.


    • Patsy Koenig

      Francis has made so many erroneous and heretical statements. You state, as Jesus taught, the true vicar cannot teach error. So obviously, Francis is NOT the true vicar. There is the proof, “the smokking gun.”


  13. Nick, your response betrays a misunderstanding of Catholic teaching. I suggest you consult the catechism on just what infallibility means. It is guaranteed for all time by the promise of Jesus himself. Where does he say that he takes it away? That is nowhere in the Gospels or in the teachings revealed by the Holy Spirit. What you are giving is just your own opinion, you are not quoting what the Catechism says or what the ecumenical councils which taught infallibly say. Infallibility and the protection of the Holy Spirit resides in the Magisterium. Read Pope Leo XIII in Satis cognitum to understand that the Magisterium is Living, Authoritative and Permanent. To say otherwise is to void the promises of Christ himself. Pope Leo XIII: “Wherefore, as appears from what has been said, Christ instituted in the Church a living, authoritative and permanent Magisterium, which by His own power He strengthened, by the Spirit of truth He taught, and by miracles confirmed. He willed and ordered, under the gravest penalties, that its teachings should be received as if they were His own” See: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/leo_xiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_29061896_satis-cognitum_en.html


  14. Be very careful how you perceive what Pope Francis says,and especially how the media portrays it !!!!!!


  15. Steve Richards

    It is my understanding that several things happened that made Benedict resign, like the fact an international arrest warrant had been issued against him for crimes against humanity, and the day he resigned was the day he learned Italian newspapers were going to publish a story about homosexual orgies using paid male prostitutes that been happening within the Vatican walls under his nose. Apparently Benedict is restricted to Vatican property to avoid arrest.

    I’m starting to believe that the Catholic church is a hold over of the roman empire. After seriously reading my Holy Bible, it is clear that the Roman Catholic church, where I was baptised, confirmed, and had first communion – teaches precepts of men and not Biblical doctrine from God’s word. God has been opening my eyes. Infant baptism is not valid. Jesus had biological brothers and sisters. They are even named in New Testament. Jesus’s mother, Mary, WAS a virgin until Jesus was born. She had other children. She was not a virgin all her life. God sent a prophet to warn the people to stop making cakes and trinkets honoring the Queen of Heaven, and the people of the Catholic church of today don’t read their bible. Because they get indoctrinated into believing what they are taught by the church, as children. When they can be easily brainwashed.

    Gods Peace to all of you. May the lord open your eyes.


    • Don’t believe that Protestant lie. Dogma says that Mary is a Virgin before, during and after Jesus birth. Since when are you the infallible interpreter of Scripture?


    • Catholics don’t read the Bible? Jesus had BIOLOGICAL brothers and sisters? Key word here BIOLOGICAL. Mary was not a virgin after Jesus was born? God sent a prophet to warn people not to honor Jesus’ Mom? Where in the WORLD do you dig up such absurd falsehoods? Wow……INCREDIBLE!!


  16. Steve Richards

    Ok, now I’m confused. Pedro Regis claims the Virgin Mary said “If you want to remain on the way to salvation that I have pointed out during these years, listen to the true magisterium of the Church and flee from the lies of the devil…”

    We’re not on the way to salvation folks, we done been saved.

    Pedro is not a prophet, he’s a lying spirit.

    Be careful. Pray to JESUS for insight. He is the way, the truth, and the life.


  17. This is absolutely true. Francis I was not officially elected as the Vicar of Christ but rather, positioned by the masonic lobbies within the Catholic Church. Here is a new website:

    Splendid work on this blog! VERY informative indeed —
    God Bless you.


  18. dominiemary

    You ought to read the late Fr Luigi Villa’s final battle – which Dr Adessa says caused Pope B to resign


  19. Anyone who claims that Pope Francis is not canonically elected has made the Church a liar, Pope Emeritus Benedict a Liar, Jesus Christ a liar, and the Holy Spirit, which has complete provenance over the Catholic Church a wimp who has no power over mere freemasons.


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