Our Lady of Miracles in the month of June

Our Lady of Miracles in the month of June

Since the Middle-Ages, the village of Avignonet-Lauragais (France) has had a Marian shrine with a special feast day in June.

The devotion was made official by a bull of Pope Paul III on January 4, 1537. The bull states that a plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who pray in the church of Avignonet on the first Tuesday of June. This date recognized a long local tradition that remembered 11 inquisitors—headed by two friars, a Franciscan and a Dominican—who were massacred inside the church on the night of May 28, 1242, by the Cathars.

According to the same tradition, the church, profaned by the blood of the inquisitors, was closed down for 40 years… When it was reopened, the bells rang of their own accord a whole day and night, and a statue of the Virgin Mary was found inexplicably on the porch of the church.

In memory of this miracle, the inhabitants chose the Virgin Mary as their patroness and instituted the Confraternity of Our Lady of Miracles. (…) The annual pilgrimage spans from the first Tuesday in June to the end of that month and during that period the sacrament of Reconciliation is available daily.

Father Guy Chautard
In the brochure of Avignonet and the Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles

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