How To Comment On The Pope, If At All

Excerpts From Creative Minority Report

This is a topic that weighs heavily on my mind and my thoughts on the matter have developed over the past year and even over the past month. This is a discussion I have been having with my self even as others have been loudly having it on the internet.

While I reject the notion that all papal critique is divisive, I must acknowledge that its fire can be both illuminating and destructive and thus used with appropriate caution. As a result, I have already re-evaluated the nature of what I will comment upon and the speed in which I will do it, saving any criticism for those times it is truly necessary, reasoned, and respectful. I will try not to publicly air any general frustration I feel in my writing.

Read it all at Creative Minority Report.

5 responses to “How To Comment On The Pope, If At All

  1. If “pope” Francis is the false prophet then he is not the Pope having been non canonically elected for whatever reason. I believe the true Pope is Pope Benedict. Therefore if one criticizes “Pope” Francis they are not criticizing the Pope at all and one has a duty to point out incorrect statements that are damaging to souls. I also believe that this also applies to a true Pope who may be making damaging statements. Having said that I believe we should be respectful in our criticism of all people be they a Pope or not
    If a person is frightened of causing schism by correcting a Pope it may be that schism is necessary so that souls can be saved rather than be led astray.
    Mary C


  2. I read your post everyday and I follow all your comments, please do not discourage yourself because others don´t understand what is happening now, because they disagree with you. You must show others the Truth, truly Francis is the false Prophet, If you moderate your comments, you fall into human respect, you are a light for so many souls and you are helping people to avoid to be cheated by this false pope, in the middle of this battle there are souls..souls..dont give up, continue talking the truth, remember the words of the gospel: Truth will make you free. Hazard dos not enlight you to open this blogg, it was God and your zeal, the same zeal Jesusu has for the truth: the zeal for your house devours me, you are making a big apostolate in this times of confusion, we must fight for the truth. It is painful to know the many disosrders, mispractices of many clericals on Church and above all The Pope Francis, but denying or diminish, or somother your words doesn´t help at all, for God sake keep going like use to at the beggining, we have no time, you must expose the Truth. God Bless you and Our Lady too, you are not alone, many people agree with you, and we are convinced tha Francis is the False prophet, we feel a very deep sorrow, because we love the Church, but remember what cardinal newman thought about this matter, in a case when the pope teaches falses doctrine, we must obey our conscience firts, look for this comentary of his, and thanks for this blogg that is truly appreciated for many people arounda the world, be brave, don´t give up. Souls need to know the Truht, of this knowledge depends their salvation…


  3. Dear Remnant Clergy,
    I must give a heartfelt Amen for the comments above and must let you know how incredibly thankful I am for you in this step of faith you have taken in creating this web site! It has been a lifeline for me personally. Please do not cave to those who have been blinded to the truth and who without the humility to admit it will criticize you for allowing a real public discussion and exposure of the danger we are in!

    The first thing I noticed is that Michael Voris has very wrongly made this an issue in respect to the papal office. But is Francis the pope?? If he is not, he is an anti pope. And if additionally he is the False Prophet he is far worse than a mere anti pope and far more dangerous. But even if he were a mere anti pope he would be, according to the “Voris principle,” at least as fair an object for criticism as all those bishops and priests he so freely (and rightfully) criticizes for their unfaithfulness to the faith of the Church whether they be sins of commission as advocating gay unions and approving of homosexual adoptions and Baptisms in Argentina or sins of omission which are so very obvious with Francis.

    If Benedict is still the pope then it is Voris who, failing to acknowledge this, is the one creating scandal and schism not you or commentors on this site! And is this really something so hidden, so impossible to see? It is hidden to those who have first rejected the unmistakable revelations of Heaven. Not only has Garabandal (with spectacular signs of authenticity) made plain that Benedict would be the last pope in this era but that was also the prediction of Nostradamus. Besides other prophecies as the one of two popes at once etc. etc. etc. now Maria Divine Mercy has been given very clear revelation on this. You might ask Michael Voris if he really cares to know the truth here. If he claims so, ask if he then has ever asked for confirmation of MDM or if he would be willing to do so promising he would change his defense of Francis should Heaven confirm her authenticity. If he will not do this he is no friend of yours nor any sincere Catholic. And you might wish to remind him of the rebuke King Ahaz got for refusing to ask a sign of the Lord because he really did not want proof of the truth in Isaiah 7:10-14.

    We must never forget that only very few of those who believed in Our Lord accompanied Him to Golgotha. Benedict and his positions are being ignored as he himself as the true Vicar is making his own way to Golgotha! Any follower of Christ who shows up in his “procession to Golgotha” will be in danger of being scorned or assaulted. You with Maria Divine Mercy are among them. So many are drawing much need strength from your faith and self denial!

    For those who believe the Lord is pleased when (in the name of mercy) we tolerate sin and evil within the Church need to read the Lord’s rebuke to the churches for such toleration and His commendation for an unwillingness to tolerate evil (Revelation 2:2,6, 14-16, 20, 24) And for those who think any pope is beyond rebuke, even public rebuke, need to review St. Paul’s rebuke of Peter in Galatians 2:11-14.


    • Thank you for the support. The opinion of men means absolutely nothing, and that will be tested for all the remnant faithful in the coming months and years in this time of great tribulation. The Warning will help wake up the people before the full reign of the antichrist. After that we remnant will be in high gear.


  4. Please keep up the good work I will pray for you
