“Let’s stop beating around the bush: With Islam it is a War of Religion”

Finally some people are starting to wake up. Note the Great Monarch will lead an army to battle Islam. Some excerpts from Rorate Caeli.

But it is no longer a suspicion: it is an intolerable truth:  this is a war of religion, of whose ultimate and cohesive ferocity, precisely religious, only one side is aware, their side. …

The argument goes on to say that those who believe in Mohammed the Prophet are in fact not our enemies in the name of God, but that in fact a great majority are our friends who would prefer not to have a Caliphate but rather an inter-religious dialogue. Good intention—that’s what it boils down to, for a politically correct commentator on the Left. But this is not the way it is. We know this.

Read it all at Rorate Caeli.


Monsignor Pope vs Cardinal Dolan and Archdiocese of Washington

Harvesting the Fruit has a good look at the situation of Monsignor Charles Pope, a priest in the Archdiocese of Washington, who called out the scandal and hypocrisy in New York with Cardinal Dolan approving of open sodomites to march in the next St. Patrick’s Day parade. Some excerpts:


Unlike many others, however, I do not mean to beg God’s blessing on him as a reward for his authentically Catholic (and subsequently deleted) blog post of September 4, 2014, indirectly calling attention to Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s willingness to deny Christ in order to satiate his bloated appetite for the earthly rewards that flow forth from “happy-clappy, lighthearted engagement of our culture” in all of its Godless, murderous, homo-deviant glory; rather, I wish to pray the Lord to bless Msgr. Pope with that which is apparently lacking in him at present; namely, the intrepid heart of martyr.

[For those who haven’t yet read the blog post to which I refer, or perhaps may wish to reread it, it is available in its fullness here.]

My intent herein is not to disparage Msgr. Pope; rather, it is simply to point out just how well the situation at hand answers the questions Catholics so often ask in our day:

Where is the voice of those churchmen who cannot but recognize the great apostasy being perpetrated from among their own ranks? Are there any prelates left who still think and feel with the Church?

Starting with the latter, the answer is that those men most certainly do still exist, and Msgr. Charles Pope is one of them. As for the former, their voices, like that of the monsignor, are being pressed into silence.

Rad it all at Harvesting the Fruit.

Islamic Insanity: Francis is not doing Enough to Defend Islam

Excerpts from Eponymous Flower

Currently, statements by Mehmet Görmez have made headlines in Turkey. The head of the National Religion Office, who reports directly to the Turkish Prime Minister, accused Francis mid-week, of not doing enough in defense of Islam.

There were attempts to reinterpret the existence of Islam in question to making it a “security and legitimacy problem”, Görmez said. Among other things, Görmez pointed to the increasing number of attacks after his presentation on mosques in Germany. In the years 2001 to 2012 there were an annual average of 22 mosques that have been attacked in the Federal Republic. In 2013 there were 36, while this year the number had increased to 70. In contrast, not only the Islamic world should fight back, but “all religious institutions, especially the Vatican.”

It is not enough, “to wash the feet of a young girl or to organize an interfaith football tournament.” Görmez played on the washing of the feet by the Pope on Holy Thursday and on the “football match for peace” last Monday in Rome.

Francis Eliminates more Conservative Curial Cardinals

Excerpts from Eponymous Flower

(Vatican) Pope Francis is preparing for the renovation of the Vatican “foreign ministry”. The former “foreign minister” of the Holy See, the French Curial Archbishop Dominique Mamberti will probably  be dismissed. While the overall reform of the Roman Curia is still written in the stars, Pope Francis is making more heads of Benedict XVI’s  Curia roll. A few days ago  the Curial Cardinal Prefect Cañizares, then the secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy, was hit. Another of his Prefects, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, had to vacate his seat a year ago.

Read it all at Eponymous Flower

Cardinal Marx: Adulterous Second Marriages can have “other forms of recognition”

Excerpts from Eponymous Flower

Frankfurt (kath.net/KNA) The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx … admitted that the church had to face the fact that marriages fail and break up families.

“We need to overcome silence in the face of failure,” Marx said. So the question arises, what does the Church have to say about a second relationship, which also could have its “own moral quality”. A sacramental recognition is, however, in the words of the Cardinal “excluded”. But probably there are “other forms of recognition” which have not yet been considered sufficient, says Marx. Further details were not mentioned by the Cardinal. …

Individual theologians refer to overlooking the handling remarried divorcees considering the practice of the Eastern Churches, in which, although no second marriage is consummated, the second relationship can blessed as a community of responsibility [Note: this is wrong – the real story is here]. Another question in this context is the admission to the sacraments. Under current understanding, the divorced and remarried are excluded from receiving communion.

Link to Katholisches…

Francis: “we should not be afraid of changes in the Church”

Excerpts from Vatican Insider

[Note: here is the marketing for the coming apostasy after the October 2014 Synod. The Church’s teachings are merely “so many little laws.” Gospel Truth never changes.]

“The Gospel is something new, Jesus asks us “to put aside decadent structures – they are useless.” This is why we must not be afraid of change, not even in the Church. This was Francis’ message today at his morning mass in St. Martha’s House. The Pope stressed that Christians must not be “slaves to so many little laws” but to open their hearts to the new commandment of love.


I will intervene in ways which will astonish the world

I will intervene in ways which will astonish the world

My dearly beloved daughter, I know My Own and they know Me. They also know those who are of Me, just as they know those who do not come from Me.

Those who are of Me are tender of heart, full of love for all sinners including My enemies, and full of humility for they know they are nothing without Me. Their souls are free of malice, spite, hatred and they suffer because of this. They shine like beacons, their souls full of the Light of God. It is this Light, which Satan and every fallen angel target with every kind of temptation. These are the souls who are most sought out by the evil one and in the times, which lie ahead, they will be swayed by lies.  Some will fall away from the Truth completely. Others will cling to it but will struggle to do so, while those who have the Grace of the Divine Will of God in their hearts, will never forsake the Truth.

The world will turn into a great battlefield, where confusion will reign, and it is the souls who are of Me, who will face the greatest trials. It is Satan’s desire to take away from Me, those who know Me. These are the souls who are the closest to My Heart, for they represent the greatest prize. It will be such souls who, should they fall into error, be paraded before Me by My greatest enemy. I will be mocked because of their betrayal and I will cry bitter tears of remorse for these poor children of God. But know this. I fill fight for these souls. I will intervene in ways, which will astonish the world so that I can snatch them from the claws of deceit and they will know when I do this. On that day I will ask them again “are you of Me or not?”. Then they will know it is I, and I will reclaim them and take them into My New Kingdom. Those who remain strong, because of their unshakable faith in My Holy Word, will lead those who are of Me. It will be because of these souls – My Remnant – that My Mercy will extend far and beyond that which is visible to the eye.

I now call out to those who know Me. I desire that you live every day as if there is no tomorrow. Trust in Me. Ask Me for protection and call on Me for special favours in your journey towards My New Era of Peace. I will come to your aid every time and shower upon you, extraordinary Graces. Then you will fear nothing for you will know that I walk with you. I will hold your hand as I guide you towards the Refuge of My Peace and My Great Glory.

Come to Me and do not fear for My Great Day will dawn unexpectedly and suddenly, and not one more tear will you shed for you will be united with the Divine Will of God for eternity.

Accept My Love, My Blessings and My Great Mercy for when you do you can truly claim to be of Me.

Your Jesus

Middle East: “Evil has promoted terrorism and violence as a religion”

September 5, 2014

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I tell you solemnly, what is at stake in the Middle East is mankind’s right to live in the Truth. Evil has promoted terrorism and violence as a religion [Islam, a religion of Antichrist]. There is no respect for human life. You must plainly see that error has taken over hearts.”

“I must tell you that this error continues to escalate and to threaten many areas around the world, for good and those committed to Truth have not united. If evil can be strengthened in unity towards an evil goal, so, too, good and Truth can and must unite towards a righteous goal of peace.”

“This is not the hour to make excuses or to be politically correct. It is the hour when strong leadership and unity of purpose must be shown. Hearts are being tested as is God’s Patience in the face of so much inhumanity.”

“Dear children, pray for the Victory of Truth in hearts. Your best weapon is your rosary.”

Read Colossians 4:2

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Holy Love

Tridentine Mass narrated by Msgr Fulton Sheen

Filmed on Easter Sunday in 1941.

Analysis of Symbols used during Francis’ Visit to Korea

Two videos from Third Eagle Books looking at the symbols used during Francis’ Korea visit. Are these the One World Religion symbols?